Dear Cain,
I know what you are up to... You can call for unity, yet do you remember the time when you invited outsiders to change the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? When you turned away from God for the people? When you removed the altar rails and would not give us Communion on the tongue while kneeling? When you gave us watered down sermons, liturgical dancing and false mercy? When you ignored Catholic doctrine, and when we asked, you remain silent? When you knock us countless times for wanting to follow the traditions of the faith? You really made us feel so united, yet somehow we found ourselves traveling long distances into small chapels to worship our God. We love it. You have said both Masses are the same, that there is no difference. Yet we know this is not true, we provide our best for God and we know you do not. We know you do not care for good fruits as we do, yet you now want to call for unity? You want us to also provide the fruits as you do? We know you by your fruits. However brother, if unity is your true intent, why will you not join us in the Mass of much good fruits? Brother, I know what you are up to... You do want unity, but it is not truly with God, but the world. Do what you must, we will not comply, we will resist, we will give our best for God. Your loving brother, Abel
AuthorAl: Catholic, learning and thankful. Archives
July 2021