All Saints' Day is about celebrating Catholics who have lived their lives in such a holy way that when they passed on, they were worthy of entering Heaven.
Some are now saying that we can be saints here on earth... but does it sound logical? Imagine life as a sports grand final game, and you are playing it the best you can. You may be a great sportsperson but can you really call yourself as a champion when the game is not yet over? The closest living person we got to call as a saint in our time was "Mother Theresa." She was dubbed the "living saint," yet notice how she was not called a "saint" until she died and was later officially canonised as a saint. No living Catholic would call themselves a "saint" or "living saint for that matter." It's just not a humbling thing to do. So what can we do - what do we do? What does Saint Paul say? "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." ~ 2 Timothy 4:7 Is this not fitting enough, on how we should play our one and only grand final? Saints do not play this worldly game, they do not fall as we do like foot-soldiers when we fight the good fight. What matters is when the game ends, we did our best and that we have kept the faith. One thing that we absolutely must do is to fight through prayer... Saints don't need to do this, but we do. "If you pray well, you'll live well, if you live well, you'll die well, if you die well, all is well." ~ St. Augustine We don't need to be saints in this world, we can't be. What we need is to keeping fighting until the end and that we kept the faith. Saint's did not live their lives as "saints of this world" here and now, but as faithful Catholics who continuously plays and fights for the real end game. Thats all that matters. Heaven, purgatory and hell are all real, and also is the reward for the foot-soldier - the faithful Catholic. So on All Saints Day, let us cheer to all the faithful Catholics who have made it. Cheers to all the Saints - Not for us wannabes!
AuthorAl: Catholic, learning and thankful. Archives
July 2021