Dear Cain,
I know what you are up to... You can call for unity, yet do you remember the time when you invited outsiders to change the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass? When you turned away from God for the people? When you removed the altar rails and would not give us Communion on the tongue while kneeling? When you gave us watered down sermons, liturgical dancing and false mercy? When you ignored Catholic doctrine, and when we asked, you remain silent? When you knock us countless times for wanting to follow the traditions of the faith? You really made us feel so united, yet somehow we found ourselves traveling long distances into small chapels to worship our God. We love it. You have said both Masses are the same, that there is no difference. Yet we know this is not true, we provide our best for God and we know you do not. We know you do not care for good fruits as we do, yet you now want to call for unity? You want us to also provide the fruits as you do? We know you by your fruits. However brother, if unity is your true intent, why will you not join us in the Mass of much good fruits? Brother, I know what you are up to... You do want unity, but it is not truly with God, but the world. Do what you must, we will not comply, we will resist, we will give our best for God. Your loving brother, Abel
Pro Christi - Allegiance to the King: The Campaign to defend the truth, and to protect the King.7/12/2020 As Catholics we all worship God. We worship God in Spirit, but we must also worship God in truth.
In Spirit: We believe in Christ the King. In Truth: CCC 1377 The Eucharistic presence of Christ begins at the moment of the consecration and endures as long as the Eucharistic species subsist. Christ is present whole and entire in each of the species and whole and entire in each of their parts, in such a way that the breaking of the bread does not divide Christ. How many will accept that Christ the King is the same Christ that is on the altar, the same Christ that is in the hand, and the same Christ that is on the floor due to Eucharistic particles breaking in the hand and falling to the floor. Who will worship Christ not only in Spirit, but also in Truth? Let us defend the truth and protect the King. "God is spirit, and his worshipers must worship in the Spirit and in truth." ~ John 4:24 To see the Campaign go to To men of goodwill still attending the Novus Ordo Mass. Please, enough with the trampling on of Our Lord. You have it within you to make it home.
No faithful Catholic will dispute the truth of Eucharistic particles falling to the floor and are trampled on, due to Communion in the hand. Yet many will choose to ignore this truth, but for the men of goodwill principle, who put Christ first. This new site will provided much needed truth and thought into why men of goodwill principle, will return home to the Traditional Latin Mass. For more information click here at It is only days away to the Feast of Corpus Christ (11th June, 2020). If you are going between the Novus Ordo Mass and the Traditional Latin Mass, please do something for God and take the Red Pill. It's time to take responsibility for what we believe in.
Please check out the promo by clicking on The troubling thing many catholics don't realise is how much God loves the world... And if we truly believe in the 4 last things, we would understand why things happen as they do.
To disregard a pandemic as just nature... is in a way disregarding God. God wants the world to turn to Him. Not because He needs us, because the world will be lost without God. God wants to save the world... and it is sad that many Catholics believe that their non Catholic friends and neighbours, don't need to be Catholics. Worst is when shepherds don't believe this, or don't have the zeal of charity to share the Good News, so that others may share it also... Will it be back to business as normal? The absolute worst thing that could ever happen in this world, is not turning to Christ. +++ For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ~ John 3:16 May is the month of Mary, let us contemplate on the things she loves and what we can do to please her... For those who love the First Saturday Devotion; Amongst other requests, Our Lady asks us to pray the Rosary, and also to meditate on the mysteries for 15 minutes (15 mysteries) not 20 minutes. Our Lady clearly has a love for her Rosary. By praying the traditional, it just flows naturally from day to day. For Catholics who love Our Lady and her Rosary the way it was intended, please click here. The more you love, the more you want to do; everything seems less hard to do... If you love frequent Masses and Holy Communions + If you love frequent Sacramental Confessions + If you love frequent Rosaries + If you love frequent Adoration + If you love frequent reading of Holy Scriptures... join the Pure Indulgence Club.
Everything once seemed too much - from do very little Catholic things, to doing very frequent Catholic things... So how does one get from very little to very frequent? What can change this? One can be blessed with the grace of Christ making Himself known to the individual, and with the desire for the love Christ, and the pursuit of Christ. One can honestly ask for this blessing. There is also a great positive effect on joining this pious open club, not only on the individuals but also on the parish. One of the practice of gaining the indulgence is to say the Rosary inside the church or chapel; another practice is Adoration before the Blessed Sacrament. So the more the good and faithful follow these practices, and the more frequent, others will notice and will follow suit. Members can invite their neighbours in their pews to join them in this Pure Indulgence club. It is good - it is holy. Welcome to the Pure Indulgence Club. +++ "Therefore, gird your minds for action, keep sober in spirit, fix your hope completely on the grace to be brought to you at the revelation of Jesus Christ. As obedient children, do not be conformed to the former lusts which were yours in your ignorance, but like the Holy One who called you, be holy yourselves also in all your behavior; because it is written, “You shall be holy, for I am holy.” ~ 1 Peter 1:13-16 If you have not noticed it yet, our Catholic Church is really in a time of much turmoil, and even worst is if we act as if nothing was wrong and remain silent. There is too much silence already and this silence is be used to wreck havoc inside the Church.
With so much confusion, division, scandals, abuses and even persecution of faithful Catholics occurring within the Catholic Church as a whole... one member of the Fellowship had requested if there was something we could do extra... So we decided to do something about it, but what? After hearing that various parishes in the US were bringing back the old tradition of praying the Saint Michael the Archangel prayer at the end their Masses to combat against evil; the answer was clear. From Sunday 1st October, 2018, a few members from the Fellowship of the Rosary in Sacred Heart Cabramatta Parish, will commence praying the Saint Michael the Archangel prayer after each Sunday Mass at 6pm. At the end of each Sunday Mass, members of the rosary group will meet in the front of the sanctuary and pray the St Michael the Archangel Prayer. The members will also invite other friends at the Mass to join in the prayer and do battle against evil within the Church. On this Sunday, they may be one of the first group in Australia to join this new crusade headed by the victorious Saint Michael the Archangel! Fittingly, this will commence on the first day of the month of the Holy Rosary... and yes they pray the Rosary too. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us. Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. - Pope Leo XIII On Wednesday 15th, August 2018, 6 members from the Fellowship of the Rosary (from Cabramatta parish) enrolled in the Militia Immaculatae (MI) - Knights of the Immaculate. The Enrolment ceremony was lead by Fr Benjamin Campbell at the Child Jesus and St. Joseph Church in Rockdale. Preceding this the members also celebrated Mass with the local parish on the Feast of the Assumption.
The members did not know much Latin at all, however thankfully two other candidates from the local parish and Fr Campbell assisted us in Latin responses and with the singing... making the process run smoothly. The members also received their blessed Miraculous Medal. After the ceremony the members signed the papers for acceptance into the MI. Why did the members enrolled into the MI? The Knights are devoted to the Immaculate, hence they are devoted to Our Lord, Jesus Christ... and through their devotion, Knights seek to win souls over at the hand of the Immaculate for Jesus. What better way to follow the Commandments of Our Lord: Love God and love thy neighbour - in the our service Our Lady. No one is more united with Christ than Our Lady; She is the role model, and they follow her safely and directly to Christ. As an added on bonus for the members, Fr Campbell also offered to enrol the members in the Brown Scapular, with the commuted role of wearing the brown Scapular and only praying the Rosary daily, for the granted promises of Our Lady - They will not enter hell when they die, and Our Lady will bring the devout wearer from Purgatory to heaven on the first Saturday after their death. The 6 members of the Fellowship of the Rosary are very grateful and wish to thank Fr Campbell and Fr Delsorte (Prior) in assisting with the whole enrolment process. Also thank you to St. Maximilian Kolbe for the opportunity to become Knights of the Immaculate and thank you Jesus and Mary. What great honour it is to serve the Immaculate. Let me sign up! PS Thank you to the Ladies running the Chapel, for taking the photo late in the night.
There is one more step before this, but let's get to that later and watch this great video...
On Preparing His Way from on Vimeo. |
AuthorAl: Catholic, learning and thankful. Archives
July 2021