The troubling thing many catholics don't realise is how much God loves the world... And if we truly believe in the 4 last things, we would understand why things happen as they do.
To disregard a pandemic as just nature... is in a way disregarding God. God wants the world to turn to Him. Not because He needs us, because the world will be lost without God. God wants to save the world... and it is sad that many Catholics believe that their non Catholic friends and neighbours, don't need to be Catholics. Worst is when shepherds don't believe this, or don't have the zeal of charity to share the Good News, so that others may share it also... Will it be back to business as normal? The absolute worst thing that could ever happen in this world, is not turning to Christ. +++ For God so loved the world, as to give his only begotten Son; that whosoever believeth in him, may not perish, but may have life everlasting. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believed in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. ~ John 3:16
All Saints' Day is about celebrating Catholics who have lived their lives in such a holy way that when they passed on, they were worthy of entering Heaven.
Some are now saying that we can be saints here on earth... but does it sound logical? Imagine life as a sports grand final game, and you are playing it the best you can. You may be a great sportsperson but can you really call yourself as a champion when the game is not yet over? The closest living person we got to call as a saint in our time was "Mother Theresa." She was dubbed the "living saint," yet notice how she was not called a "saint" until she died and was later officially canonised as a saint. No living Catholic would call themselves a "saint" or "living saint for that matter." It's just not a humbling thing to do. So what can we do - what do we do? What does Saint Paul say? "I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." ~ 2 Timothy 4:7 Is this not fitting enough, on how we should play our one and only grand final? Saints do not play this worldly game, they do not fall as we do like foot-soldiers when we fight the good fight. What matters is when the game ends, we did our best and that we have kept the faith. One thing that we absolutely must do is to fight through prayer... Saints don't need to do this, but we do. "If you pray well, you'll live well, if you live well, you'll die well, if you die well, all is well." ~ St. Augustine We don't need to be saints in this world, we can't be. What we need is to keeping fighting until the end and that we kept the faith. Saint's did not live their lives as "saints of this world" here and now, but as faithful Catholics who continuously plays and fights for the real end game. Thats all that matters. Heaven, purgatory and hell are all real, and also is the reward for the foot-soldier - the faithful Catholic. So on All Saints Day, let us cheer to all the faithful Catholics who have made it. Cheers to all the Saints - Not for us wannabes! It seems that faitful Catholics are wanting to attend the Latin Mass, over the Novus Ordo Mass and Neo Catholics are worried. Please have the look at the following response to this in a Novus Ordo bulletin notice from St. Bernadette's Parish in Australia. Is this really written out of charity for Catholics who simply want to attend the Latin Mass, or just to scare Faithful Catholics away from the beauty of the Latin Mass?
The bottom line is, if both forms of the Mass are the same, why make such a big deal out of it? If you love the Novus Ordo form keep on celebrating it. If other Catholics love the Latin Mass let them attend it. (Catholic Conference Centre: Catholic Mass arrangement removed and covered-up, for Buddhist worship.) As Catholics is it acceptable to accommodate other faiths as we do with our own faith - to treat our Faith as the same as other faiths? To make this point clear, we should ask ourselves, what is the purpose of our faith? To save our own soul, and to save other souls. WITNESS was made aware of a Catholic conference centre where Mass is celebrated on a regular basis. Only recent the centre has allowed Buddhists to use the facilities for worship. After talking with a few members of the Catholic community, it becomes apparent that this news, was quite common knowledge. The majority did not seem to agree with this - that this was their place of worship, not other faiths. While the minority took the impression that it "pays the bills", and that the priest in charge can do as he see fit. It must be noted that the whole property was purchased and built by the Catholic community through their generous donations. While dialogue will be likely needed for a positive outcome for this Catholic community. Let's leave that up to the shepherd and his sheep.. Having said that, what are the broader implications? The following Latin maxim tells us how we do one thing, affects how we do other things, and vice versa. So how we live, will actually effect how we believe, and how we worship...This applies also when we accommodate other faiths, the same way we accommodate our own Faith. It is like having one facility for two different sports. Sure they are different but maybe, just maybe, we'll try out the other sport and who knows we might even like it and never go back. Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi, Lex Vivendi. What about following.., what is the Gospel teaching us? How seriously do we follow it, and act on it? "If anyone comes to you and does not bring this teaching, do not take them into your house or welcome them. Anyone who welcomes them shares in their wicked work." As stated, at the heart of our Faith is to save our soul and the souls of others. Surely accomodating other faiths is not the way to go? "There is nothing colder than a Christian who is not concerned for the salvation of souls." Seriously - we are called to love our neighbour, but the real problem arises when we do not know our Faith enough, or we do not believe in our Faith enough, or even love our Faith enough to supersede other faiths and to actually love our neighbour. We want to save our own souls by doing good to our neighbours, but do we really want to save our neighbour's soul also?
This video is about Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre; a great holy man who could see before-hand the dangers of modernism within the Catholic Church. In this video Michael Matt talks about Archbishop Lefebvre with great admiration. I would also like to put it out there that Michael Matt is also a great Catholic Man, who loves Catholic tradition, aka the Catholic Church. Michael speaks plainly the Catholic truth and does not misdirect Catholics toward any biases. Thank you Michael Matt for your Faith and works. (Thank you also to Michael Sestak for making this shorter version of Michael Matt's "The Church of Accompaniment: Luther vs. Lefebvre.") (Note: If you clearly understand modernism inside the Catholic Church and love it, this video is not for you.) Let's get to the heart of it... In order to push "forward" to get with the times; Modernists want to change anything and everything they can. They have been successful so far in changing the Church’s liturgy, it’s traditions and even managed to ignore it’s laws, but that can only go so far. They are not happy until the Church is fundamentally something else – something that it is not. But something is in their way. What is it?
They have hit the final roadblock and there is no getting pass it unless they change it. It is the fundamental laws, the dogmas, the absolute truths of the Catholic Church. They want to change it, but they cannot. They have been trying to change the truth, while remaining silent about the truth. Faithful Catholics are seeing this happening and so now have called them out… there is no way around this… It will be a test for each and every member of the Church to follow that they love. The Modernists want a new church for their times, they want to change the Catholic Church into this new church that it is not. The Church belongs to Christ, and Christ does not change. “Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.” ~ Hebrews 13:8 Something gotta give, but not the Catholic Church. Catechism of the Catholic Church: The Church's ultimate trial 675 Before Christ's second coming the Church must pass through a final trial that will shake the faith of many believers. The persecution that accompanies her pilgrimage on earth will unveil the "mystery of iniquity" in the form of a religious deception offering men an apparent solution to their problems at the price of apostasy from the truth. The supreme religious deception is that of the Antichrist, a pseudo-messianism by which man glorifies himself in place of God and of his Messiah come in the flesh. +++ In relation to LifeSiteNews article: ‘Apocalyptic’: Filial Correction organizer warns of schism if errors aren’t corrected For a very long time now the Catholic Church have chosen to go "soft" on the Catholic teachings in the hope it would not to offend anyone; That there was "no right or wrong answers"; that we have to be nice and get along while compromising our faith. Even now we are being told half truths and many fall for it. Like "the Church has the fullness of the truth" while implying it was "ok" to remain outside the Church, they just don't have the full truth; that there is even other paths to Heaven. Christ would not be pleased. Due to the softness in the teaching of the faith, Catholics had to, or choose to make up their own beliefs and would consider it as being Catholic, since they are Catholics. They would also follow other Church leaders who they themselves do not follow Church teachings. Just take a look at the "Universal Church" today... unfortunately not so much. How do we fix this, what can we do, or at the very least what can the individual do? When faced with uncertainty or peer pressure, or even if things sound to good to be truth... Please repeat after me: "What does the Church teach?" Yes, what does the Church teach? We only need to look to the unchanging truth of the Church, it's tradition, what our saints have said and taught us. St Paul even said: "So then, brothers, stand firm and hold to the traditions that you were taught by us, either by our spoken word or by our letter." ~ 2 Thessalonians 2:15 If we claim to be Catholics we must keep on turning to the truth of the Church... we must keep in the back of our minds... "What does the Church teach?" |
AuthorAl: Catholic, learning and thankful. Archives
July 2021