To men of goodwill still attending the Novus Ordo Mass. Please, enough with the trampling on of Our Lord. You have it within you to make it home.
No faithful Catholic will dispute the truth of Eucharistic particles falling to the floor and are trampled on, due to Communion in the hand. Yet many will choose to ignore this truth, but for the men of goodwill principle, who put Christ first. This new site will provided much needed truth and thought into why men of goodwill principle, will return home to the Traditional Latin Mass. For more information click here at
If the Mass is literally heaven on earth how can ordinary Catholics come to understand this? Perhaps we should first ask what is the most important part that happens at Mass? It is the words of Consecration, "This is my body... This is my blood..." Yes transubstantiation happens - when bread and wine become the body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ, what we call the Eucharist, the "Real Presence" of Christ. This is why the CCC 1324 says that The Eucharist is "the source and summit of the Christian life." - it is Christ Himself. Also since we all are part of the mystical body (Church) of Christ - "the communion of saints"; we all celebrate the Christ's Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, this includes those in heaven - the Saints and Angels. So if God is with us at the Mass along with the Saints and Angels where is heaven exactly? Most people have heard the saying, 'heaven is where God is'. They imply God in the spiritual form, like around us or in our hearts.., so is that heaven? This may be true in a spiritual sense, but what's the difference between spiritual sense with heaven and God at the Mass? Yes God is really present, body, blood, soul and divinity of Christ. So what does this say about this heaven. What about heaven on earth? If we look to the Bible, it mentions several times about heaven as the throne, and earth as a footstool. One verse mentions: 'This is what the LORD says: Heaven is my throne, and the earth is my footstool. Where is the house you will build for me? Where will my resting place be?' ~ Isaiah 66:1 At Adoration we come to adore the Eucharist in the monstrance, which is called the throne for God. So heaven is the throne of Christ here on earth, and earth is the footstool. Can we make the connection now? Heaven is present at the Mass because God is present. His is present at the Mass, present in monstrance throne at Adoration, present in resting place in the tabernacle. We don't see heaven because God is veiled. We only have our faith in His Real Presence and of heaven. Through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, God invites us to celebrate His great glory, in heaven on earth. We believe it! Treat the Mass, the tabernacle, the monstrance, the sanctuary with great reverence, because where God is on earth, heaven is. Literally. If first apostles receive on hands, why not us?
Bishop Athanasius Schneider is saying we "receive" the Eucharist we do not take it... National Catholic Register Finally is the amazing insight of St. Augustine. Recounted by Pope Benedict in his exhortation Sacramentum Caritatis, “Augustine imagines the Lord saying to him: ‘I am the food of grown men; grow, and you shall feed upon me; nor shall you change me, like the food of your flesh, into yourself, but you shall be changed into me.’ It is not the Eucharistic food that is changed into us, but rather we who are mysteriously transformed by it” (70). If we believe that this “mysterious food” (ibid.) has the power to change us—if we believe as St. Augustine and Pope Benedict believe—our manner of eating must signify such belief. Eucharistic food is “not something to be grasped at” but is received with humility and obedience (Phil 2:7-8). Only then will we be, like Christ, “highly exalted” (Phil 2:9). ... Even though, as Pope John Paul acknowledges, Communion in the hand can be carried out with reverence and devotion; and even though reception on the tongue is no guaranteed symbol of fidelity and humility; Communion on the tongue is, all things being equal, the most suitable manner of reception. In certain cultures, including our own, the bride and groom often receive from the hand of the other a piece of wedding cake at the wedding banquet. When done with love and devotion and faithfulness, the small gesture signifies not only the care one pledges to the other, but also the concern a vulnerable spouse can expect from the other. At the Wedding Feast of the Lamb, our humble reception of the fruits of his saving work likewise show our devotion to him, our Spouse, and express our abandonment into his care. (Source) This is the Prayer that was taught by the Angel of Peace to the three children at Fatima in 1916. How fitting is this prayer for us to pray for those who do not believe in God, and even more so do not believe in the Eucharistic God. For the Eucharist is sole means of Salvation. How thankful are we who believe and receive our Lord. How much reverence is due to Him at Holy Communion. Pardon Prayer My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love You! I ask pardon of You for those who do not believe, do not adore, do not hope and do not love You. Amen. Jesus Is On The Floor |
AuthorAl: Catholic, learning and thankful. Archives
July 2021