It is only days away to the Feast of Corpus Christ (11th June, 2020). If you are going between the Novus Ordo Mass and the Traditional Latin Mass, please do something for God and take the Red Pill. It's time to take responsibility for what we believe in.
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May is the month of Mary, let us contemplate on the things she loves and what we can do to please her... For those who love the First Saturday Devotion; Amongst other requests, Our Lady asks us to pray the Rosary, and also to meditate on the mysteries for 15 minutes (15 mysteries) not 20 minutes. Our Lady clearly has a love for her Rosary. By praying the traditional, it just flows naturally from day to day. For Catholics who love Our Lady and her Rosary the way it was intended, please click here. If you have not noticed it yet, our Catholic Church is really in a time of much turmoil, and even worst is if we act as if nothing was wrong and remain silent. There is too much silence already and this silence is be used to wreck havoc inside the Church.
With so much confusion, division, scandals, abuses and even persecution of faithful Catholics occurring within the Catholic Church as a whole... one member of the Fellowship had requested if there was something we could do extra... So we decided to do something about it, but what? After hearing that various parishes in the US were bringing back the old tradition of praying the Saint Michael the Archangel prayer at the end their Masses to combat against evil; the answer was clear. From Sunday 1st October, 2018, a few members from the Fellowship of the Rosary in Sacred Heart Cabramatta Parish, will commence praying the Saint Michael the Archangel prayer after each Sunday Mass at 6pm. At the end of each Sunday Mass, members of the rosary group will meet in the front of the sanctuary and pray the St Michael the Archangel Prayer. The members will also invite other friends at the Mass to join in the prayer and do battle against evil within the Church. On this Sunday, they may be one of the first group in Australia to join this new crusade headed by the victorious Saint Michael the Archangel! Fittingly, this will commence on the first day of the month of the Holy Rosary... and yes they pray the Rosary too. Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us. Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer Saint Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray; and do Thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen. - Pope Leo XIII It seems that faitful Catholics are wanting to attend the Latin Mass, over the Novus Ordo Mass and Neo Catholics are worried. Please have the look at the following response to this in a Novus Ordo bulletin notice from St. Bernadette's Parish in Australia. Is this really written out of charity for Catholics who simply want to attend the Latin Mass, or just to scare Faithful Catholics away from the beauty of the Latin Mass?
The bottom line is, if both forms of the Mass are the same, why make such a big deal out of it? If you love the Novus Ordo form keep on celebrating it. If other Catholics love the Latin Mass let them attend it. This video is about Archbishop Marcel Lefebvre; a great holy man who could see before-hand the dangers of modernism within the Catholic Church. In this video Michael Matt talks about Archbishop Lefebvre with great admiration. I would also like to put it out there that Michael Matt is also a great Catholic Man, who loves Catholic tradition, aka the Catholic Church. Michael speaks plainly the Catholic truth and does not misdirect Catholics toward any biases. Thank you Michael Matt for your Faith and works. (Thank you also to Michael Sestak for making this shorter version of Michael Matt's "The Church of Accompaniment: Luther vs. Lefebvre.") (Note: If you clearly understand modernism inside the Catholic Church and love it, this video is not for you.) |
AuthorAl: Catholic, learning and thankful. Archives
July 2021