Clearer Picture
We live in a world that is influenced by good and evil, this also applies within our Church. Yes our Church has Supernatural guidance, but it also has Human guidance. This human guidance has good or evil influence, and each wants to push the other out. We can never know the exact picture of our time, but we can see good or evil outcomes when holding it to the truth. The problem is, when we don't want the truth, and ignore it. We will see good and evil as being indistinguishable.
The Greatest Gift:
With the greatest Gift, comes the greatest responsibility. Do you really believe this responsibility is being met? Are we treating this Gift in a worthily manner?
Our Lord is being allowed to be trampled on!
But... Communion in the hand is allowed:
Communion in the hand started through disobedience. Just because something is allowed does not make it right, just as in a majority does not make it right. It is in truth that makes things right. The distinction needs to be made between what is allowed and what is worthy. Just think of Cain and Able, they both made offerings to God. Both where offerings to God, but only one was worthy. How many of us cling to what is allowed, instead to what is worthy. Some will say both are worthy but is this really true? Communion in the hand allows our Lord to be trampled on, how is this Communion worthy of God. This is the effect of receiving Communion in the hand, let us not forget this.
While Communion in the hand is now the majority. Communion on the tongue is the Church's preferred way. It is this way for a reason, it prevents particles from falling to the floor. This is fundamentally the difference between trampling on God, and not trampling on God. Yet the majority will still choose Communion in the hand.
We all want our Eucharistic Lord, we want Salvation, but do we really love Him enough to accept full responsibility of receiving Him worthily. Can we receive our Lord worthily in the hand, and the next moment we trample on Him.
The expendable God:
We tell ourselves we have good intentions, and we worship devoutly. However when God becomes an inconvenience to our worship, He quickly becomes expendable.
The practice of Communion in the hand causes Eucharistic particles to break off in the hand and falls onto the floor and is trampled on. The attitude is, "it happens" or "it isn't our fault", or the lie that "the particles isn't God anymore." God has served His purpose for our worship. The fallen God is expendable, an acceptable collateral damage.
Our worship is more important than God:
We have become more focused on our worship of God, than God Himself. We have lost focus on who God is, and have made God into just a necessary prop (our property) for our way of worship that suits us. It is a desire for worship, but not desire of reverence of God.
We worship how we like, and we will innovate how we like. We will say to ourselves, our worship is for God, but not realising our worship has become our own worship. We worship as we please - turning away from a "God centred worship" to a "man centred worship." We literally turn away from God and face each other.
Now with our worship (no different from Protestants), we will resist anything that goes against the way we worship, even at the expense of reverence to our God. We will resist and deny the truth, even if it means trampling on God.
Denying reality - denying the Real Presence:
When we deny the reality of our Eucharistic Lord being trampled on, we are denying the Real Presence. We don't care to talk about this, because it will impact our worship. We quickly brush it off, as we would bread particles in our hand.
What is worst, is when we know it is not just bread particles, but Eucharistic particles... Our priority is set, our worship is first, and God becomes a prop.
One moment we kneel before God during the Consecration, the next we trample on Him.
Emergency Communion:
Some argue that Catholics did receive Communion in the hand in times of emergency? Yes like war time from prison, and Communion had to be snuck in. In Ordinary times, we do not need to do this. Even during pandemics we do not need to do this, if we can't receive Communion on the tongue, receive communion spiritually.
The Real Emergency:
The real emergency here is, during normal times; Jesus is being allowed to be trampled on, in all the Novus Ordo churches throughout the world, and no one bat an eyelash.
The real emergency is, it is permitted. And just because it is permitted this not mean we have to be part of this.
Who's Responsible:
You can decide for yourselves... some would say it is the priest's responsibility, or it is those who receive Communion in the hand. Most would say that it's unintentional and that's ok. Others would completely deny it happens, because the truth would be too much to accept.
The hard truth is, anyone who enters a church, that offers Holy Communion on the hand, are undoubtably trampling on Our Eucharistic Lord.
If we can accept the hard truth of the Real Presence, we must also accept the hard responsibility also... Who can accept the trampling on of Our Eucharistic Lord, under any circumstances.
The Silence:
Given the opportunity, the defenceless, the ones with no voice, will always be mistreated. Why is the Church silent on our Eucharistic Lord being trampled on?
We just need to hold the practice of Communion in the hand to the truth and we can see the result is not a good outcome - our Lord is an acceptable collateral damage. When there is silence from within the Church, something is amiss. What happen we don't want to see the truth... we see good and evil as being indistinguishable.
The Narrative:
Can we agree what within the Church now, there is a narrative of "not offending" anyone? (Well, expect those who tell the truth and go against this narrative.)
Many priests are being limited to what they can say regarding the faith. They can't talk a lot about the truth of sin or hell, or in fact any hard teachings like contraception, premarital sex and divorced-remarried. Do really think they would then come out and say stop trampling on Our Eucharistic Lord!? They can't, they have to toe the line.
On the internet you can find a concerned Catholic writing to higher Church authorities after getting no sufficient answers the local Church authorities. A reply was received, but only to follow up with the local authorises. Do you think any Church authorities would make an offical statement that would go against this narrative?
No one who is vested in this narrative will give you at straight answer, and so Jesus becomes the perfect victim to this abuse, an acceptable collateral damage. Our Eucharistic Lord has no voice to defend Himself, and the narrative continues because no one is offended. No one is offended for Lord.
So why this narrative? Every narrative fits an agenda, and this agenda is NOT focused on the reverence of Our Eucharistic Lord.
The Agenda:
At core of this agenda is Naturalism (where the supernatural is discounted) and Modernism (going with the times) is one of the vehicles to get us there. The goal is really to turn the Church from a supernatural Church into a worldly church. Pope Saint Pius X said: "Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies." Modernism has no interest in maintaining reverence or even belief in the Real Presence. However it does have to have the appearance of belief and reverence. Just enough to get the faithful to go along with the narrative and agenda. All the while weakening the faith through one innovation after the next. Turning the supernatural Church, into just another worldly church of man for man centred worship.
We all have heard in the Gospel of Jesus' miracle of feeding the 5000. However we hear priests with sermons that carry the same narrative to fit this agenda. To portray the miracle as a natural one, where everyone happened to bring food along and Jesus' told them to share it with each other; that was the miracle - something that could be explained, and would not offend anyone of having to believe that it was a real miracle. To hint in the story that Jesus was only human, and didn't need a supernatural miracle.
This dismisses the truly supernatural miracle of Jesus turning the 2 fish and 5 loaves into large quantities to feed the 5000 people. Which therefore plants a seed to the faithful to dismiss the supernatural miracle of the Eucharist. That the Mass is a gathering of the faithful for a meal. Hence bread particles falling on the floor is no big deal.
St. Mother Theresa said: "The thing that make me saddest is watch people receive Communion in the hand." Communion in the hand is no different... It is another hint to receive our Lord, as receiving bread, not one is offended, and weakening of the faith continues, so much so that treading on our Lord is an acceptable collateral damage, or in other words - we don't really believe in the Real Presence.
This sacrilege, if fully understood by Catholics would be the greatest scandal in the world. God the Father gave up His Son to be crucified for us to save us, and now His Son is being continuously trampled on in almost all the churches around the world. Is this how we show our thanksgiving to God the Father by treating His Son like this?
So how are the modernists getting away with this? It is due to modernism which leads to the weakening of the faith, the laws, and false mercy, and not offending anyone with the truth. In other words give the people what they want, a compliant god, one that does not cause offence to us; and so the modernist agenda can continue.
Competition of values:
Let's get to the heart of this - what is more important to us... Will we ignore the truth and pretend our values are just and honorable. Have we progressed so far in our own faith that we refuse to offend anyone from the truth, even from ourselves. We willingly shut-out the truth and so what is good, and what is evil becomes indistinguishable.
The alternative is, we face up to the truth and give up whatever it takes, to do whatever it takes. We have the responsibility to do right by our Lord who has giving us nothing less than Himself. What can we give in back in return?
The Greatest Gift:
With the greatest Gift, comes the greatest responsibility. Do you really believe this responsibility is being met? Are we treating this Gift in a worthily manner?
Our Lord is being allowed to be trampled on!
But... Communion in the hand is allowed:
Communion in the hand started through disobedience. Just because something is allowed does not make it right, just as in a majority does not make it right. It is in truth that makes things right. The distinction needs to be made between what is allowed and what is worthy. Just think of Cain and Able, they both made offerings to God. Both where offerings to God, but only one was worthy. How many of us cling to what is allowed, instead to what is worthy. Some will say both are worthy but is this really true? Communion in the hand allows our Lord to be trampled on, how is this Communion worthy of God. This is the effect of receiving Communion in the hand, let us not forget this.
While Communion in the hand is now the majority. Communion on the tongue is the Church's preferred way. It is this way for a reason, it prevents particles from falling to the floor. This is fundamentally the difference between trampling on God, and not trampling on God. Yet the majority will still choose Communion in the hand.
We all want our Eucharistic Lord, we want Salvation, but do we really love Him enough to accept full responsibility of receiving Him worthily. Can we receive our Lord worthily in the hand, and the next moment we trample on Him.
The expendable God:
We tell ourselves we have good intentions, and we worship devoutly. However when God becomes an inconvenience to our worship, He quickly becomes expendable.
The practice of Communion in the hand causes Eucharistic particles to break off in the hand and falls onto the floor and is trampled on. The attitude is, "it happens" or "it isn't our fault", or the lie that "the particles isn't God anymore." God has served His purpose for our worship. The fallen God is expendable, an acceptable collateral damage.
Our worship is more important than God:
We have become more focused on our worship of God, than God Himself. We have lost focus on who God is, and have made God into just a necessary prop (our property) for our way of worship that suits us. It is a desire for worship, but not desire of reverence of God.
We worship how we like, and we will innovate how we like. We will say to ourselves, our worship is for God, but not realising our worship has become our own worship. We worship as we please - turning away from a "God centred worship" to a "man centred worship." We literally turn away from God and face each other.
Now with our worship (no different from Protestants), we will resist anything that goes against the way we worship, even at the expense of reverence to our God. We will resist and deny the truth, even if it means trampling on God.
Denying reality - denying the Real Presence:
When we deny the reality of our Eucharistic Lord being trampled on, we are denying the Real Presence. We don't care to talk about this, because it will impact our worship. We quickly brush it off, as we would bread particles in our hand.
What is worst, is when we know it is not just bread particles, but Eucharistic particles... Our priority is set, our worship is first, and God becomes a prop.
One moment we kneel before God during the Consecration, the next we trample on Him.
Emergency Communion:
Some argue that Catholics did receive Communion in the hand in times of emergency? Yes like war time from prison, and Communion had to be snuck in. In Ordinary times, we do not need to do this. Even during pandemics we do not need to do this, if we can't receive Communion on the tongue, receive communion spiritually.
The Real Emergency:
The real emergency here is, during normal times; Jesus is being allowed to be trampled on, in all the Novus Ordo churches throughout the world, and no one bat an eyelash.
The real emergency is, it is permitted. And just because it is permitted this not mean we have to be part of this.
Who's Responsible:
You can decide for yourselves... some would say it is the priest's responsibility, or it is those who receive Communion in the hand. Most would say that it's unintentional and that's ok. Others would completely deny it happens, because the truth would be too much to accept.
The hard truth is, anyone who enters a church, that offers Holy Communion on the hand, are undoubtably trampling on Our Eucharistic Lord.
If we can accept the hard truth of the Real Presence, we must also accept the hard responsibility also... Who can accept the trampling on of Our Eucharistic Lord, under any circumstances.
The Silence:
Given the opportunity, the defenceless, the ones with no voice, will always be mistreated. Why is the Church silent on our Eucharistic Lord being trampled on?
We just need to hold the practice of Communion in the hand to the truth and we can see the result is not a good outcome - our Lord is an acceptable collateral damage. When there is silence from within the Church, something is amiss. What happen we don't want to see the truth... we see good and evil as being indistinguishable.
The Narrative:
Can we agree what within the Church now, there is a narrative of "not offending" anyone? (Well, expect those who tell the truth and go against this narrative.)
Many priests are being limited to what they can say regarding the faith. They can't talk a lot about the truth of sin or hell, or in fact any hard teachings like contraception, premarital sex and divorced-remarried. Do really think they would then come out and say stop trampling on Our Eucharistic Lord!? They can't, they have to toe the line.
On the internet you can find a concerned Catholic writing to higher Church authorities after getting no sufficient answers the local Church authorities. A reply was received, but only to follow up with the local authorises. Do you think any Church authorities would make an offical statement that would go against this narrative?
No one who is vested in this narrative will give you at straight answer, and so Jesus becomes the perfect victim to this abuse, an acceptable collateral damage. Our Eucharistic Lord has no voice to defend Himself, and the narrative continues because no one is offended. No one is offended for Lord.
So why this narrative? Every narrative fits an agenda, and this agenda is NOT focused on the reverence of Our Eucharistic Lord.
The Agenda:
At core of this agenda is Naturalism (where the supernatural is discounted) and Modernism (going with the times) is one of the vehicles to get us there. The goal is really to turn the Church from a supernatural Church into a worldly church. Pope Saint Pius X said: "Modernism is the synthesis of all heresies." Modernism has no interest in maintaining reverence or even belief in the Real Presence. However it does have to have the appearance of belief and reverence. Just enough to get the faithful to go along with the narrative and agenda. All the while weakening the faith through one innovation after the next. Turning the supernatural Church, into just another worldly church of man for man centred worship.
We all have heard in the Gospel of Jesus' miracle of feeding the 5000. However we hear priests with sermons that carry the same narrative to fit this agenda. To portray the miracle as a natural one, where everyone happened to bring food along and Jesus' told them to share it with each other; that was the miracle - something that could be explained, and would not offend anyone of having to believe that it was a real miracle. To hint in the story that Jesus was only human, and didn't need a supernatural miracle.
This dismisses the truly supernatural miracle of Jesus turning the 2 fish and 5 loaves into large quantities to feed the 5000 people. Which therefore plants a seed to the faithful to dismiss the supernatural miracle of the Eucharist. That the Mass is a gathering of the faithful for a meal. Hence bread particles falling on the floor is no big deal.
St. Mother Theresa said: "The thing that make me saddest is watch people receive Communion in the hand." Communion in the hand is no different... It is another hint to receive our Lord, as receiving bread, not one is offended, and weakening of the faith continues, so much so that treading on our Lord is an acceptable collateral damage, or in other words - we don't really believe in the Real Presence.
This sacrilege, if fully understood by Catholics would be the greatest scandal in the world. God the Father gave up His Son to be crucified for us to save us, and now His Son is being continuously trampled on in almost all the churches around the world. Is this how we show our thanksgiving to God the Father by treating His Son like this?
So how are the modernists getting away with this? It is due to modernism which leads to the weakening of the faith, the laws, and false mercy, and not offending anyone with the truth. In other words give the people what they want, a compliant god, one that does not cause offence to us; and so the modernist agenda can continue.
Competition of values:
Let's get to the heart of this - what is more important to us... Will we ignore the truth and pretend our values are just and honorable. Have we progressed so far in our own faith that we refuse to offend anyone from the truth, even from ourselves. We willingly shut-out the truth and so what is good, and what is evil becomes indistinguishable.
The alternative is, we face up to the truth and give up whatever it takes, to do whatever it takes. We have the responsibility to do right by our Lord who has giving us nothing less than Himself. What can we give in back in return?
What we love at our parish...
What happens at our parish...
"If anyone comes to me and does not hate father and mother, wife and children, brothers and sisters--yes, even their own life--such a person cannot be my disciple. And whoever does not carry their cross and follow me cannot be my disciple." ~ Luke 14:26-27
Just as in carrying our cross is not optional in following our Lord, our worthiness is also not optional in receiving our Lord. The truth is only the few will accept this. Why? Because this is a hard teaching, who can accept this? If you can accept this, you can accept the solution.
Just as in carrying our cross is not optional in following our Lord, our worthiness is also not optional in receiving our Lord. The truth is only the few will accept this. Why? Because this is a hard teaching, who can accept this? If you can accept this, you can accept the solution.
"No amount of good intentions, good works, devout worship, justifies trampling on Our Eucharistic Lord."